Samuel Kofi Asiamah is a Lecturer by profession and an evangelist to the body of Christ. His heart for soul winning and for the work of the ministry is very infectious. As a lifestyle soul winner and mobilizer for missions to unreached people groups, Samuel serves as the Founder and Executive Director of Focus Higher International (FHI), an interdenominational evangelistic ministry. He is also the forerunner of a FHI’s rural evangelism missions project dubbed Go-North Missions, which aims at reclaiming the north of Africa for Christ through evangelization and church planting.

OUR Vision
OUR Mission
To raise and build the youth with the mind of Christ and make them missionaries in their homes, communities, the nation and beyond.
(Colossians 3:1-2)
Winning souls for Christ, teaching God’s word and making disciples of Christ through evangelistic outreaches.
(Matthew 28:19-20)
Focus Higher International (FHI) is an interdenominational evangelistic ministry that is devoted to winning souls for Christ through evangelistic outreaches. FHI began in May 2004 with an initial outreach of sharing Gospel tracts to students during the inter-school games of Senior Secondary Schools in Accra which was held at the Accra Sports Stadium.
The ministry through its outreach programmes has reached out to several people in the villages, communities, campuses and schools with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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“I had never been to Church until I came to know the Lord through the ministry of FHI…”
Our Ministries

Together, we are reclaiming the North of Africa for Christ

$1695 To Go
Push Missions Project
Push Missions Project is an initiative to raise funds to purchase vehicles to support the means of transport for missions.