Connecting God’s People to God’s Mission

Connecting God’s People to God’s Mission

There are nearly eight (8) billion people on the planet and almost 42% of them are yet to embrace the life-transforming message of what Christ has done for them. To effectively reach out to the over three (3) billion people with the Gospel, we need every deck and duck Christian to come onboard onto the boat of fishing for men. We can alone do that through mobilization drive. The drive of connecting God’s people to God’s mission. God has a mission of redeeming the lost and establishing His Kingdom on earth. The Missio Dei involves getting others to get involved.

Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! John 4:35

In this year of declaring God’s glory among the nations, the key driver for the theme is mobilizing others to declare God’s glory through active involvement in Mission mobilizations.  We want every member of the FHI Family and the entire body of Christ to be a Missions Mobilizer. Mobilization simply is an invitation to participate in what God is doing by using your God-given gifts. It involves activating God’s people toward their specific role in the Great Commission.  The body of Christ cannot fulfill Great Missions without missions mobilization. According to Dr. Ralph Winter, “Anyone who can help 100 missionaries get to the field is more important than one missionary on the field”. Missions mobilization is the most crucial ministry to completing the task of world evangelization. In this article, I want to connect you to God’s missions as well as teach you how to connect with others. Then, together we work to finish the task of world evangelization. Connecting God’s people to God’s Mission is a tripod stand of Advocacy, Recruiting, and Fundraising.

It starts firstly with Missions Advocacy. Advocacy is the process of promoting missions to the whole church for support or recommendations.  It is a passionate appeal with facts and figures out of strong convictions. Every advocate speaks out personal encounters and experiences. For missions mobilization, the advocacy of the personal awareness of what God did, what He is doing, and what He plans to do among the nations is a push to draw others to join the missions force. Besides, the promotion of missions information should be contextualised. The context-awareness of the current need for the Gospel in our immediate environment makes advocacy relevant to everyone. For instance, the awareness of the nineteen (19) people group in Ghana can make a Christian be committed to missions. Advocacy ends with a challenge call to get involved. It is the commission task of following me and I will make you fishers of men. I also want to challenge you to be a missions advocate. Simply talk to others about Missions. Tell them God wants others to be saved too.

The next is Missions Recruitment. Missions mobilization involves the process of finding God’s people to work for a specific role in missions. Missions fields need various kinds of labours to fulfill the Great Missions. We need administrators, graphic designers, drivers, preachers, medical doctors, and everyone with any God-given gifts. Everyone can be useful and is useful in God’s mission. Missions recruitment begins with an invitation to participate. Participation is simply getting involved. Just tell a friend to accompany you for short-term missions. Moreover, it is also pivot on the ability to recognize other gifts hence delegation for others to do help. The last phase of the recruitment is placement. That is doing what God intends you to do at where He plans for you to do it at His timing and seasons.

Mission Fundraising is the third stand of mobilization. The process of seeking and gathering voluntary financial support for missions is part of mission mobilizations. They are God’s people blessed with great treasures of wealth, gifted talents and available Tents to be used for God’s mission. Mobilization is asking for funds, asking others to provide their place or equipment to be used for missions. It is simply asking.

This year, we are appealing to everyone to be Missions Mobilizer. Let’s connect God’s people to God’s mission by talking about the mission, encouraging others to get involved in the mission, and asking for funds for Missions. Together, we will be declaring God’s glory among the Nations.

Author: Samuel Kofi Asiamah ( FHI Executive Director)

This article is a featured publication in THE FOCUS, 10th Edition. Jan-March, 2022. kindly download by clicking

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