The Opportunity to Intercede will not always be there

The Opportunity to Intercede will not always be there

 Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near.  Isaiah 55:6

Opportunity knocks only once, and you will never know whether you will get another opportunity. Most Christians turn to believe that they will always have the opportunity to pray for the nations, but the guest preacher, Mr Tawam Louis, at the just-ended Praying Through Summit (PTS), thinks otherwise.

Mr. Tawam Louis Ndinym

Mr. Tawam Louis Ndinym who was speaking on a sermon titled, “Inheriting the Nations through Intercession,” on April 7, 2023, during the PTS all-night prayer session, emphasized the fact that men ought to treasure any time set aside for intercessory prayers because postponing prayer for “later” might be too late. From Ezekiel 22:23–30, he gave a biblical exposition of the times when the Lord sought a man to stand in the gap as an intercessor for the people of God, and He (God) found none; thus, He decided to pour out His wrath on them (God’s people) and consume them with His anger.

Mr. Tawam Louis Ndinym

He sums up the sermon with the clarity that intercession can save a nation from destruction. He incited a desire to pray intercessory prayers by giving key points in relation to the missionary work.

A section of PTS participants praying during the all-night prayer services.
  • Intercessory prayers open the missions’ field up for the Gospel. 
  • Intercessory prayers raise armies for the missions.
  • Intercessory prayer births nations, thus, Zion (children of God) must travail.
  • Intercessory prayer causes dead nations to come back to life (Ezekiel 37).
  • Intercessory prayer releases POWER, which in turn causes the sermon we preach on the land to be validated. In some instances, there must be notable signs and miracles.

At the end of the sermon, Mr Ndinym leads the PTS participants to pray for the nation. This year’s PTS was under the theme, “O Lord, give us the nations.” It was enlightening to know the power of intercession in inheriting the nations for the Lord. We are grateful to God for using our Bro. Tawam to minister unto us. God should enlarge the ministry of Mr Ndinym and bless his family.

The Living word of God always brings smiles

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